横山 佳枝

Partner Yoshie YOKOYAMA


Yoshie Yokoyama handles a range of matters that fall at the intersection of the law, economy and society. Her primary areas of specialty include: matters related to value enhancement/maintenance of properties held by domestic and international investors; matters in which intellectual property rights or real estate is the key for solution; and business revitalization and succession. Yoshie also provides support for cases related to sports law, such as advising on the management of sports organizations and on athletes’ legal issues.
Additionally, Yoshie is dedicated to the promotion of public good and human rights. She pursues these aims through her involvement in the Tokyo Bar Association Gender Equality Committee and through engagement with legal issues surrounding harassment and LGBT rights.


2001Graduated Nagoya University, Department of Law
2004Registered as attorney (Daini Tokyo Bar Association)
2010Graduated University of Southern California Gould School of Law, LLM Program
2014Registered as attorney (New York State Bar Association)
2022Appointed Supervisory Director, Hoosiers Private REIT Investment Corporation
2023Joined Sugiyama & Partners LPC.

Bar Association

April 2015 – March 2016Chairperson, Gender Equality Committee, Daini Tokyo Bar Association
– PresentVice Chairperson, Gender Equality Committee, Daini Tokyo Bar Association

Government Offices

2018 – PresentMember, Labor Relations Commission (Labor Dispute Adjustment), Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Published Works

“Shokuba no harasumento taiō manyuaru” [“Manual for Addressing Harassment in the Workplace”], Rōdō Kōsei [Labor Administration] (2023)

Oshigoto roppō [The Six Laws of Work] , Asa Publishing (2022)

Co-author, Harasumento jiken no kihon to jitsumu [The Fundamentals and Practical Business of Harassment Cases], Nihon Kajo Publishing (2019)

Co-author, Harassment no jiken taiō no tetsuduki[Procedures for Addressing Harassment Cases], Nihon Kajo Publishing (2023)

Co-author, Daisan sekutā no saisei [Revitalizing the Semi-Public Sector], Kinzai (2010)

Co-author, “Tōkyōto daisan sekutā san-sha no minji saisei mōshitate jiken ni tsuite” [“On the Civil Rehabilitation Petition of Three Companies in the Tokyo Metropolitan Semi-Public Sector”], Kinzai Zaisei Jijō Kenkyūkai (October 2007)

Co-author, “Tōkyōto san-seku san-sha no minji saisei” [“Civil Rehabilitation of Three Companies in the Tokyo Metropolitan Semi-Public Sector”], Kinzai Zaisei Jijō Kenkyūkai (March 2007)

“Harasumento Sōdan Madoguchi no Secchi Unyō Gaido” [“Guide on the Establishment and Implementation of Harassment Consultation Windows”], Rōdō Kōsei [Labor Administration] (2021)

Co-author, “LGBT to Kodomo: Kyōiku Genba okeru Mondaiten” [“LGBT and Children: Difficulties Faced on the Ground in Education”], Nippon Hyōronsha Hōgaku Seminā [Nippon Hyoronsha Law Seminar] (October 2017)

Co-author, “Tōkyōto daisan sekutā san-sha no minji saisei mōshitate jiken ni tsuite” [“On the Civil Rehabilitation Petition of Three Companies in the Tokyo Metropolitan Semi-Public Sector”], Kinzai Zaisei Jijō Kenkyūkai (October 2007)

Co-author, “Tōkyōto san-seku san-sha no minji saisei” [“Civil Rehabilitation of Three Companies in the Tokyo Metropolitan Semi-Public Sector”], Kinzai Zaisei Jijō Kenkyūkai (March 2007)